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作者:栗宪庭  发布时间: 2007-06-28 10:14:15

  也许,三国英雄和竹林七贤后来的形象,一直是一种演绎和再创造,从《三国志》到《三国演义》,再到民间戏曲和关帝庙,其中演绎的性质也是明显的。关帝庙中被膜拜的关帝,大概已不是历史人物的蜀国大将关云长,而成为义薄云天的道德符号了。竹林七贤被冠以竹林七贤的名号,可能就不是七贤自己的宣言,而是稍后文人所为,因为竹林七贤不见魏晋之际的文献,而始见文献《魏氏春秋》,也是七转八拐,从《三国志·魏志·王粲传》所附《嵇康传》的裴松注解而来。而且七贤到底是哪几个人,是七个还是十个,向来说法也不尽相同。而历代文人认同七贤,多半像陈寅恪先生说的,套用了孔夫子“贤者七人” 的句子,在乎与孔夫子搭上了界。从这个角度说,“竹林七贤”的冠名,以及被历代文人重提,要的就是它“精神符号”的性质,这也是一种艺术形象的创造。

  立的人格以及洒脱倜傥的生存状态。所以我以为,七贤是作为一个整体的精神符号被沿用,就像关云长变成关帝爷,史实反而不重要了洪磊花了整整一年时间拍摄的《竹林七贤》,是用时尚的视角来转换竹林七贤的故事。尤其用时装女模特扮演七贤,看似荒唐,细看颇有深意。当然,越剧等剧种至今沿用女演男角,也是习以为常的事情。洪磊的朋友唐炜是中国时装界的先锋人物,得此便利条件,洪磊选择了在国际T形台走红的模特扮演七贤,成为此作品最大的看头。现存“砖印模画”,七贤都是坐姿,本来是饮酒清谈嘛。但洪磊的“时尚版”,除了弹琴的嵇康,都让模特采用站姿,模特嘛,走台和摆POSE,要的就是站姿,才显示出模特的时尚美丽,才突出一种“舞台感”, 这正是洪磊要的感觉。而且,无论哪一个模特扮演七贤中的哪一个,都脱不掉模特自己的一些特征,就是说她都会与时尚有某种关联。同时,在七贤的角色与模特之间形成的那种似是而非的感觉,才构成作品的言外之意。洪磊特意在扮演七贤模特的服装、头饰、脸部化妆上,着意在国际流行款式和时装表演——如西班牙加里亚诺之后的怪异化妆走台秀,与中国古代服饰、七贤性格之间找出一种相互隐喻的关系,甚至连服饰面料也全部采用国际时装界时髦的法国和意大利面料来制作,突出了三宅一生式的布料褶皱质感,和现代混纺特有的金属般亮丽感,格外加强了舞台化和时尚气息。
  陈娟红,扮演抚琴者嵇康。陈娟红被誉为中国从T形台走向世界的第一人,多次获得国际国内大奖,至今引领中国模特活跃在T形台上,是中国模特界的大姐大。嵇康是七贤的主心骨,宁打铁为生,也不当官,言与行最能体现“风骨”与“气节”,39岁就被司马氏集团杀害,临刑前依然泰然自若地弹奏了一曲《广陵散》, 乐曲流传至今,文名亦盛。陈娟红的嵇康,面带愠色,由于模特手、臂、腿的修长超出常人许多,使弹琴的动作无论如何都会过于凸显,以及服饰特意加长,会让大面积布料的炫丽与陈娟红骨感修长的胳膊、腿和手指的动态产生一种相互衬托的感觉。考证说王戎“与康居山阳二十年,未尝见其喜愠之色”。虽然陈娟红面带愠色,但以她的稳重,在所有模特中,最显嵇康之“风骨”相。










  恶搞是这个时代的世界性风气,尤其成为网络上表达个人意见的一种方式,这种方式源于当代,而 “扮演摆拍”的摄影媒介成为一种艺术方式,在20世纪八九十年代,风靡当代艺术界,著名的有辛迪?舍曼和杰夫?沃尔。中国当代艺术在20世纪90年代中期以来,多人涉足此种媒介和方式,赵半狄、洪磊、王庆松、伊德尔等人都是佼佼者。时尚界受其影响,开始使用这种方式,这里附上1995年10月《George》杂志创刊号的封面,Cindy Crawford(辛迪?克劳馥)被化妆成George Washington(乔治?华盛顿)的模样,也是用时装模特扮演历史人物,使该杂志一炮打响,但滑稽有余,意味不足。不是所有恶搞都有意思,区别在能否更独特、更深入地把一个时间段的独立心理表达出来。洪磊的《竹林七贤》时尚版,重新演绎七贤,针对的是消费社会,还有待每一个生活在消费社会里的观众继续解读。


Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove-Fashion Edition
Li Xianting
In China the seven worthies of the bamboo grove are not as commonly known as the heroes of the Three Kingdoms or Outlaws of the Marsh, but they were respected by past scholars. Perhaps because the two types of heroes and their mode of transmission are different, the heroes of Three Kingdoms and Outlaws of the Marsh, especially the former, take a secular path. Guandi shrines and Guangong drama in the Chinese folk tradition are perhaps more common than any other religious or operatic phenomenon. Because of this, I think the most important term is "righteousness" ? among all the secular relationships between rebels, merchants or even among neighbors, "righteousness" seems to be the most important measurement. On the other hand, Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove uses an "elegant" form and has always been thought of highly by scholars. This is because scholars worry most about "all under heaven", and they face a ruling class, not secular relationships. Thus, they care mostly about "strength of character" and "moral integrity". From this angle, the seven worthies in the minds of scholars resemble the heroes of the Three Kingdoms in the minds of commoners.
Perhaps, the images of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms and the seven worthies of the bamboo grove have undergone creation and recreation, from History of the Three Kingdoms to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, to folk operas and Guandi shrines, the transformations are very obvious. The Guandi worshiped in Guandi shrines is almost entirely distinct from the historical commander of the state of Shu, Guan Yuntang. He has become a moral symbol of righteousness. The name of the seven worthies of the bamboo grove was not something they did themselves, but was done by later scholars. There are no records
of the seven worthies in the Wei and Jin dynasties. They were first recorded in Spring
and Autumn of the Wei. This was followed by more twists and turns, from History of the Three Kingdoms to History of the Wei to the Records of Wang Can attached to the Record of Ji Kang annotated by Pei Song. There is also the question of which seven worthies they were. The question of whether they were seven or ten has also been debated. Fur
thermore, scholars of the past have affirmed that the Seven Worthies, as Mr. Chen Yinge
said, appropriated Confucius' verse about "the righteous ones are seven". This was a way of establishing a relationship with Confucius. From this perspective, the name given to the Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove and the attention received by generations of scholars is due to the nature of its "spiritual symbolism". This is also the creation of an artistic image.
The Seven Worthies are fond of Zhuangzi, and enjoy conversation. Record of the Wei notes, "all are fond of nihilistic thoughts, they treat rites and rules very lightly, indulge on wine until their hearts' content, and are not concerned with worldly affairs." The "Ren Dan" chapter of New Collections of Anecdotes of Famous Personages claims that they, "often gathered in the bamboo grove, liberal and free to their hearts' content." Even though their pasts and interests were different, Ruan Xian,
Wang Rong, Xiang Xiu and Shan Tao all took official posts; Shan Tao asked Ji Kang to
replace him at his former post when he was promoted, but Ji Kang vehemently refused. This was the source of the impassioned "Letter to Shan Juyuan to Break our Friendship." Even reading it today, we feel our souls stirred. The reason generations of scholars
respected them was that they commonly affirmed "strength of character". In the Book
of Jin, chapter , "The Biography of Ruan Jin" records that "in the time of Wei and Jin, there were many affairs in the world, among the most famous people, there were few who were competent in all." These few strokes served to portray the cruel and bloody outlook of that time. Therefore, during the time of Wei and Jin, when scholars with a conscience were confronted with social instability and the ruling class's decadence and hegemony, they keep away from immorality and did not get involved with dangerous and filthy officialdom. They were especially fond of using wine to dilute their worries. They broad-mindedly released their inner worries and sadness towards the "world", pursuing individuality and liberal integrity. These are the reasons that they became models for generations of scholars. It is recorded that the Eastern Jin's Gu Kaizhi, Lu Tanwei and others made respectful drawings of the seven worthies of the bamboo grove. In 0, in Jiangsu Province, a southern dynasty tomb was excavated revealing stone engravings of the seven worthies and Rong Qiqi. The "seven worthies" were drawn together with Rong Qiqi, although Rong Qiqi was a famous scholar of the Spring and Autumn period. Juxtaposing famous scholars of different periods was a way of respecting them as spiritual symbols of "strength in character" and "moral integrity". They embodied an attitude of non-cooperation, independent character, free and eccentric lifestyle. Therefore, in my opinion, the seven worthies have been continuously used as spiritual symbols, just like Guan Yunchang became Guandi, the historical facts became unimportant.
Hong Lei has spent an entire year shooting his Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove. He has used a fashion perspective to transform the story of the Seven Worthies. In particular, he has used fashionable female models to act as the seven worthies. It seems ridiculous, but looking closely, there is an interesting depth. Of course, Yue and other types of opera continue to use actresses to play male roles. Hong Lei's friend
Tang Wei is a pioneering figure in Chinese fashion performance. This made it convenient
for Hong Lei to select popular models from the international catwalk to play the seven worthies. This becomes the most attractive point of this work: the currently extant stone engravings of the seven worthies all show them in sitting poses, in accord with the original descriptions of drinking and conversing. But in Hong Lei's "fashion edition", except for Ji Kang on the zither, all the other models are standing up. For models, walking on the stage and posing in a standing position is demanded, this is how their beauty and fashion are demonstrated. It also highlights a "sense of the stage" -precisely the sense which Hong Lei tries to achieve in this work. Moreover, no matter which model plays any one of the seven worthies, there is no breaking away from the characteristics of models, that is, there will always be a certain relation to fashion. At the same time, the ambiguity between the roles of the seven worthies and the models forms allusions that extend beyond this work. Hong Lei paid special attention to international trends in making up the models playing the seven worthies-clothing, headwear and make up. There are mutually allusive relationships among the bizarre showcasing of the Spanish Galliano, Chinese ancient clothing, characters of the seven worthies, and even the fabric chosen from France and Italy (the most fashionable in the international arena). The work highlights the Issey Miyake's folded texture of the fabric, as well as the metallic glow unique to the present blended fabric. This emphasizes the fashion sense of the stage. Let's have a look at the models and the roles assigned:
Chen Juanhong, plays the zither player Ji Kang. Chen Juanhong is honored as the first
Chinese who modeled on the international stage. She has been rewarded numerous times nationally and internationally, and continues to be the leading Chinese model on stage,
and the top beauty of the Chinese modeling field. Ji Kang is the most important of the seven worthies, he chose to be a goldsmith rather than an official, and his speech and
actions are representative of his "character in strength" and "moral integrity". He was murdered at the age of thirty nine by the Sima clique, but before his execution he
 played with great composure a verse of Guangling san . The song has remained well-known to the present day. Chen Juanhong's Ji Kang has a kind of warmth in her face. Because a model's hands, arms and legs are slender and longer than the average, making the motion of playing the zither exceptionally poignant; there is also an elongation of the dress, providing more a greater surface for the glittering fabric. There is a mutual
reflection between this and Chen Juanhong's bone structure-slim arms, legs and fingers.
It is said that Wang Rong, "lived with Kang at Shanyang for twenty years and never saw the color of happiness and warmth." Even though Chen Juanhong has this facial warmth, her composure, of all the models, best represents the look of Jikang's "strength in character".
Zhu Lin, plays Ruan Ji. Zhu Lin placed among the top ten in 00's China Professional Model Competition. She was spotted by the international brand of ARMANI, and became one of the most popular models on the Italian catwalk. According to the biography of Ruan
Ji in the History of Jin, when Cao Shuang was in office, he once called on Ruan Ji to be
the can commander. Ruan Ji used the excuse of being unwell to turn down the position.
After Sima Yi took over governance, Ruan Ji was forced into an official position. But,
as the history points out, "in the time of Wei and Jin, there were many worries in the
world, it is rare to find a famous scholar who's competent in all, Ji especially is not
involved with worldly matters, and often drinks." Moreover, in the second year of Ji Kang's murder, Ruan Ji died of sickness. Ruan Ji is best known for his literary talent among the seven worthies. The famous eighty two verses of Hymn of Nostalgia use the ancient to criticize the present and analogize emotions. The style of the poem is especially "grieved, indignant and plaintive, ambiguous and indirect." Standing behind Ji Kang is Zhu Lin's Ruan Ji. In post-production, the face was given blue and white eyes. It is said that Ruan Ji used to look at friends with blue eyes, and with white eyes at those he didn't like. Her hair is purposefully decorated with curly strands covering her face, emphasizing the sense of sadness. In the figure's movement, Hong Lei emphasizes a lack of action, enforcing Ruan Ji's internal bitterness and introverted character.
Zhu Lin's unconscious one-leg-forward stance has given the figure's motion an unexpected
"model effect".
Ni Mingxi plays the drunkard Liu Ling. Ni Mingxi is among the most popular models in China and was the model who opened Lavin's show in France's 00 fashion week. She also
became the first Asian model to walk on the catwalk for the opening of France's fashion week. Liu Ling, an official in the Can army of the later Wei during the rule of king
Wu of Jin, emphasized non-action in governance. As a result, he was removed from his position. He was opposed to Sima's dark rule and pretentious rites. In order to avoid political persecution he would often drink and pretend to be mad, living a dissolute life. The most famous record of his life says that he "often rode a carriage pulled by deer, carrying a bottle of wine, and asking others to lead him with a hoe." He once
said, "when I am dead, dig a hole in the floor and bury me." Among the seven worthies, I think Liu Ling was the most influential among ancient scholars, "Liu Ling's drunkenness" became a way of life for some, and he was often mentioned in scholars' poems and
verses. Liu Ling also became the symbolic figure of naughtiness, "passivity" and non
cooperation. In the "Ren Dan" chapter of New Collections of Anecdotes of Famous Personages, we read that "Liu Ling drank wine at will and acted without restraint, taking off his clothes in his room, when people saw him, they laughed at him. Ling said, 'I consider the world to be my limit, the house to be my clothes, for what reason should others come into my clothes?" Ni Mingxi's Liu Ling holds high a wine glass, poses with exaggerated gestures, her clothing appears to hang. In shooting, Ni Mingxi's body subconsciously faced the camera from an angle, this naturally revealed the lines of her
figure, another unexpected "model effect".
Li Jun plays Shan Tao. Li Jun's career has been stable. In the modeling world, where
competition is fierce and overturn is rapid, she has always been a lively presence on
the catwalk. This is a sign of her mature and stable disposition. Shan Tao was the eldest of the seven worthies; he became friends with Ji Kang and Ruan Ji very early on. The biography of Shen Tao in the Jin History records that Shan Tao "resembled Zhuangzi by nature, when secluded he liked to instruct himself. With Ji Kang and Lu Anshan, he later met Ruan Ji. They roamed together in the Bamboo Grove and became good friends without saying many words." It seems that when he secluded himself to express his admonition he was following the same path as Ji Kang. However, after the age of 0 he became
an official, following Sima Shi, and was assigned to a high position in the Ma clan.
Apparently, even though Ji Kang had written a letter to Shan Tao to end their friendship, he entrusted his child to Shan Tao before his death. It is also said that Shan
was not afraid to offend the emperor, and strongly recommended Ji Kang for official
position. Even though he was scolded by Ji Kang, he still cared for this old friend. The human character is certainly more complex than it has been recorded in history. Li
Jun's Shan Tao references the official clothing in Gu Kaizhi's Nymph of the Luo River
and Yan Liben's Emperors of the Successive Dynasties. Her motions convey the sense of walking out, the gleaming pure black fabric has a lively sense of light even while being composed. This can be compared to the composure of Li Jun's Shan Tao. Among the
seven models, Li Jun's figure best reveals a model's beautiful S-shape.
Li Fang, plays Xiang Xiu. Li Fang was in the top ten of 's New Silk Road-China Super Model Competition. She warm-natured, but when she steps onto the catwalk she seems to change into someone else. She has a great stage sense and has been welcomed by the international fashion industry. She's now working in Paris. Xiang Xiu was the earliest to become friends with Ji Kang. After resigning his post he lived as a goldsmith with Ji Kang. In the famous scholar Wang Xiaoyi's research on the seven worthies he discovered that, "after the murder of Ji Kang, in a time of great political violence,
Xiang Xiu was forced to end his life as a recluse, and take office. He became the last
Bamboo Grove scholar to compromise and give into political hegemony. On his way home,
as he prepared to take office, Xiang Xiu purposefully took a long winding road to visit
Ji Kang's old dwelling where he composed the long Song of Remembering the Past. Behind the words, designed to avoid trouble, one can sense the chilling political weather at the end of the Wei and Xiang Xiu's sadly dying heart." The earliest extant Commentary on Zhuangzi includes writing about Xiang Xiu, and Guo Xiang later wrote more. To me, Xiang Xiu is neither like Ji Kang, generous and somber, nor like Ruan Ji, depressed
and introverted, nor does he match Liu Ling's madness. Furthermore, the official post he took was not as significant as that of Shan Tao, nor was he as comfortable with it.
Perhaps he can be considered a relatively temperate and normal sort of character. Li
Fang's Xiang Xiu, hat and dress making reference to Han figurines, head and upper body
appearing large and lower body slender, is numb in expression and rigid in character, emphasizing a sense of sculpture.
Ding Lin plays the role of Ruan Xian. Ding Lin is a newcomer to the modeling industry. As soon as she appeared on the catwalk, she was immediately hired by masters of the international fashion industry. Ruan Xian was Ruan Ji's nephew. He and his uncle were named "elder and younger Ruan". The younger Ruan was big hearted and unconcerned with petty rituals, an expert in music and rhythms who was good at playing a kind of instrument that resembles the pipa. In fact, this instrument was named after Ruan and is still played. When Ruan Xian entered Jin, he was assigned as the emperor's advisor, but he did not receive the attention of Sima Yan. Ding Lin's Ruan Xian shows sadness in her confused expression. She plays the Ruan, her body language and clothing show the influence of Han figurines.
Qiao Qi plays Wang Rong. Qiao Qi is a newcomer in modeling, with the beauty of an actress in Japanese traditional drama. Given her appearance, she was welcomed by the Japanese fashion industry, and has spent time working in Japan. Wang Rong was still a young man when he roamed with the seven worthies. It is recorded that, "he was clever and quick witted as a child, with a bright spirit and a joy for conversation." Because of his cleverness and quick wit, he often said things his elders didn't expect, or raised interesting and new topics. He became a lively element of casual conversation in the bamboo grove. However, when some of the seven worthies passed away or scattered, he also grew up. When the Jin was founded, he became the heart of the Sima clique
and worked in high positions of emperor's attendant, editor of official records and ministry official. The record claims that he was eager for power and fame, and showed
contempt for others. Qiao Qi's Wang Rong has a na?ve expression, like a young man in
Chinese opera. She holds a round silk fan in her hand, unconventional and flowing. The
use of a round fan as a prop shows Hong Lei's meticulous reproduction of traditional leisure goods. It is larger than a traditional round fan, with a red wood frame, silk face, and embroidered verses selected from New Collections of Anecdotes of Famous Personages.
In Seven Worthies-Fashion Edition, the creation of a stage impression is very important. The image reproduces a set of the marsh, the far mountains are shrouded with
mist, dimly discernable and desolate. A lunar halo and fish-scale-clouds decorate the
sky, predicting the arrival of the next day's wind. The seven green-colored fake bamboo trunks, representing the bamboo grove, also allude to the seven worthies, scattered and bleak. The faux mountains painted in demonic blue, fake plum branches made of copper, and Ji Kang's old qin colored in fuscia. Scholarly objects and ambiance are relocated into a fictional, vulgar and artificial setting, like the artificial scenes that proliferate in today's urban settings. Blood traces on the floor, a dead snake, an exposed
ditch. The fashion sense produced by the models is located in a scenario of imminent danger, becoming a highlighted stroke re-explaining the Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Groves.
The make up for the seven worthies of the portrait series is another "highlight". The face make up makes an overall reference to Chinese operatic make up, and the eyes are bolded in red. At the same time, it's unlike opera's use of garish head pieces to match the made up faces for an overall glamorous effect. The red make up of the seven worthies, without the accompaniment of glamorous headpieces, red eye circles on white faces show a sense of fear and inauspiciousness. Liu Ling's over indulgence in wine and his madness might make him the first historical character to get 'high'. This is symbolized by the fire-like pattern on his face. Shan Tao has a complex mind, the make up that
creates his eyebrows is painted upside down, a sense of evil mixed with sadness. The frontal view of Xiang Xiu's face offers the clean look of a Confucian scholar. Two dots under Ruan Xian's eyes add a kind of mysteriousness. Wang Rong's beauty and unpredictability are highlighted. These series of head portraits, all using Hong Lei's photo
graphs, installation works hung using the methods usually used for flies, adding a bit of grotesque flavor. This is a type of attitude, it's not towards the seven worthies,
nor towards the models, but a psychological expression of fashion consumption. Most of these portraits have bleeding on the face, either on the head, the eyes, ears or mouth. This is the psychological bloodshed of the seven worthies; it is also using the seven worthies to allude to the artist himself, as well as to all sensitive souls of contemporary times.
The grotesque is a global trend, and is especially a channel for expressing one’s opinion on the internet. This path originates from the modern, but the "acting/posed" photographic medium has become a kind of artistic form. From 0-0 it was in vogue in the artistic world, the famous Cindy Sherman and Jeff Wall are good examples. Contemporary Chinese art in the mid 0’s also adopted such a medium and method. Zhao Bandi, Hong Lei, Wang Qingsong, Yin De’er and others became leaders in this domain. The fash
ion industry was influenced by them, and began to use similar methods. On the cover of
the inaugural issue of George published in October , Cindy Crawford was made into George Washington-the use of fashion model’s to play historical figures gave the magazine instant fame, even if the image was comical and lacking in meaning. Not all grotesque has meaning, the difference is its uniqueness, whether or not it expresses the independent thinking of a given period. Hong Lei’s Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove-Fashion Edition, has recreated the images of the seven worthies vis-a`-vis a consumer society. It waits for every individual living in this consumer society to continue their own reading.
Li Xianting Jan nd, 00 Changzou and Wu Xi